2016 Alden Ehrenreich Caesar! Channing Tatum Comedy Ethan Coen Frances McDormand george clooney H5 Hail Joel Coen Jonah Hill Josh Brolin Mystery Ralph Fiennes Scarlett Johansson Tilda Swinton Review: Hail, Caesar! (2016) " Would that it were so simple?" Hail, Caesar! merupakan sebuah usaha dari Coen Brothers menggabungkan dua keahlian mereka dalam...
Action Channing Tatum Crime Jonah Hill Movie Review Nuffnang Premiere Screening Peter Stormare Movie Review: 22 Jump Street What's on IMDB: "Storyline After making their way through high school (twice), big changes are in store for officers Schmidt ( Jon...
2013 Biography Comedy Drama H5 Jean Dujardin Jonah Hill Kyle Chandler Leonardo DiCaprio Margot Robbie Martin Scorsese Matthew McConaughey Movie Review Spike Jonze The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Review: The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) "Opportunity Is everything." People create their own problems. Ya, berawal dari mimpi, kemudian hadir ambisi, disusul dengan nafs...
2012 21 Jump Street Action Adventure Channing Tatum Comedy Crime Drama Ice Cube Jonah Hill Julia Roberts Lily Collins Mirror Mirror Movie Review Movie Review: Mirror Mirror dan 21 Jump Street Mirror Mirror (2012) Film dengan pemeran utama Julia Roberts dan Lily Collins ini awalnya cukup mendapat perhatian dari saya. Ini dikarena...