Adventure Drama Ellen Burstyn Matthew McConaughey Movie Review Nuffnang Premiere Screening Sci-fi Movie Review: INTERSTELLAR (2014) From IMDB Storyline In the near future Earth has been devastated by drought and famine, causing a scarcity in food and extreme changes in c...
2013 Biography Comedy Drama H5 Jean Dujardin Jonah Hill Kyle Chandler Leonardo DiCaprio Margot Robbie Martin Scorsese Matthew McConaughey Movie Review Spike Jonze The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Review: The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) "Opportunity Is everything." People create their own problems. Ya, berawal dari mimpi, kemudian hadir ambisi, disusul dengan nafs...
2013 AA14 Biography Dallas Buyers Club Drama Griffin Dunne Jared Leto Jean-Marc Vallée Jennifer Garner Matthew McConaughey Movie Review Steve Zahn Movie Review: Dallas Buyers Club (2013) "You need to enjoy your life, you only got one." Jika anda dinyatakan secara medis telah mengidap suatu penyakit dan hanya punya w...