Comedy Dark Comedy movies Mystery Thriller Movie Review: The 'Burbs The 'Burbs Universal Pictures, Imagine Entertainment, USA, 1989. Ray Peterson (Tom Hanks) suspects that there is something wrong in th...
2016 Alden Ehrenreich Caesar! Channing Tatum Comedy Ethan Coen Frances McDormand george clooney H5 Hail Joel Coen Jonah Hill Josh Brolin Mystery Ralph Fiennes Scarlett Johansson Tilda Swinton Review: Hail, Caesar! (2016) " Would that it were so simple?" Hail, Caesar! merupakan sebuah usaha dari Coen Brothers menggabungkan dua keahlian mereka dalam...
Horror Movie Review Mystery Preview Screening MOVIE REVIEW: THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR (2016) From IMDB : Storyline A family lives an idyllic existence abroad until a tragic accident takes the life of their young son. The inconsolable...
2016 Ben Robson Diana Hardcastle Horror Jim Norton Lauren Cohan Movie Review Mystery Rupert Evans The Boy Thriller William Brent Bell Review: The Boy [2016] " Be good to him and he will be good to you." Chucky, Billy the Puppet, Annabelle , menggunakan boneka sebagai senjata baik itu ya...
2016 Andrew Scott Benedict Cumberbatch Crime Douglas Mackinnon Jonathan Aris Mark Gatiss Martin Freeman Mystery Natasha O'Keeffe Sherlock: The Abominable Bride Steven Moffat Yasmine Akram Review: Sherlock: The Abominable Bride (2016) " Dead is the new sexy." Secara personal saya punya hubungan cinta dan benci dengan series Sherlock , terdapat beberapa episode da...