2016 Alden Ehrenreich Caesar! Channing Tatum Comedy Ethan Coen Frances McDormand george clooney H5 Hail Joel Coen Jonah Hill Josh Brolin Mystery Ralph Fiennes Scarlett Johansson Tilda Swinton Review: Hail, Caesar! (2016) " Would that it were so simple?" Hail, Caesar! merupakan sebuah usaha dari Coen Brothers menggabungkan dua keahlian mereka dalam...
christopher george george clooney grizzly hostile witness ray milland rick29 (author) sylvia syms Start with Ray Milland, End with George Clooney Sylvia Syms defending Ray Milland. Hostile Witness (1968). A London barrister (Ray Milland) suffers a nervous breakdown when his adult daug...
2014 Adventure Bill Murray Biography Bob Balaban Cate Blanchett Drama george clooney Grant Heslov Hugh Bonneville Jean Dujardin John Goodman Matt Damon Movie Review The Monuments Men War Movie Review: The Monuments Men (2014) "Your lives are more important than a piece of art." Film ini berhasil menjadi bukti terbaru dari betapa besarnya peran sebuah pos...