DC's Legends of Tomorrow J.D. Balthazar Legends of Tomorrow recaps Legends of Tomorrow reviews Night of the Hawk Legends of Tomorrow: Night of the Hawk Ray: "An immortal psychopath, and racists. I'm beginning to like this quaint little town less and less." While the episode ma...
Billie Doux DC's Legends of Tomorrow Legends of Tomorrow recaps Legends of Tomorrow reviews Marooned Legends of Tomorrow: Marooned "Time to choose a side, I guess." Space pirates and Star Trek . Did they write this one just for me? ... Read full post
DC's Legends of Tomorrow Josie Kafka Legends of Tomorrow recaps Legends of Tomorrow reviews Star City 2046 Legends of Tomorrow: Star City 2046 “This future is not set.” Although tonally inconsistent and occasionally nonsensical, “Star City 2046” had many good points, not least of wh...
Billie Doux DC's Legends of Tomorrow Fail-Safe Legends of Tomorrow recaps Legends of Tomorrow reviews Prison Break Legends of Tomorrow: Fail-Safe Snart: "This isn't my first prison break." Character bonding 101. Not that it wasn't cool. ... Read full post
Josie Kafka Legends of Tomorrow Legends of Tomorrow recaps Legends of Tomorrow reviews White Knights Legends of Tomorrow: White Knights “There is plenty of blame to go around.” As Billie pointed out last week, Legends tends to follow a pattern: small groups, big battle, many...
Billie Doux Blood Ties DC's Legends of Tomorrow Legends of Tomorrow recaps Legends of Tomorrow reviews Legends of Tomorrow: Blood Ties "You don't ditch us, we won't ditch you. Deal?" We seem to have a pattern forming. ... Read full post
Billie Doux DC's Legends of Tomorrow Legends of Tomorrow recaps Legends of Tomorrow reviews Pilot Pilot Part 2 Legends of Tomorrow: Pilot, Part 2 "Let's go spark a doobie and rap about physics." I don't know if it's the talented actors or the fact that there's...
Billie Doux DC's Legends of Tomorrow Legends of Tomorrow recaps Legends of Tomorrow reviews Pilot Pilot Part 1 Legends of Tomorrow: Pilot, Part 1 "I hate to nitpick, but doesn't a legend have to be dead?" So it's Doctor Who with superheroes. I'm okay with that. ....