Billie Doux East The Walking Dead The Walking Dead recaps The Walking Dead reviews The Walking Dead: East "It's all a circle. Everything gets a return." This was very much a penultimate sort of episode, leaving us with a huge cliffh...
Billie Doux Dawn's Early Light Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow recaps Sleepy Hollow reviews Sleepy Hollow: Dawn's Early Light "Once you know the truth, there's no going back." This week's not so subtle theme: the harm that comes of keeping secrets....
Billie Doux Safe House Supernatural Supernatural recaps Supernatural reviews Supernatural: Safe House "Grand Rapids, Michigan. Possible ghost hunt with jackass." What a lovely blast from the past. ... Read full post
Billie Doux The Walking Dead The Walking Dead recaps The Walking Dead reviews Twice As Far The Walking Dead: Twice As Far "I've changed, adapted. I'm a survivor." I kept laughing throughout this episode, even though I could actually feel the ap...
Billie Doux Incommunicado Pastries Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow recaps Sleepy Hollow reviews Sleepy Hollow: Incommunicado "And I thought today would bear no fruit." Much better. More like this one, please. ... Read full post
Billie Doux Rectify Rectify recaps Rectify reviews Unhinged Rectify: Unhinged "That's the thing about memory. It's malleable, it's elastic, like time and promises." Honestly, I appreciate the need...
Billie Doux Kill Floor The Same Boat The Walking Dead The Walking Dead recaps The Walking Dead reviews The Walking Dead: The Same Boat "Meet us on the kill floor." Five women in a "safe house". Doesn't sound like a plot that would descend into gut wre...
ABC Billie Doux Captain America: Civil War Cat nannies Cats Doux News Game of Thrones Matthew Goode Matthew Rhys Prison Break Prison Break revival Supernatural The CW The Tick The Wine Show Doux News: March 13, 2016 Wither Agent Carter ? This week: Our Tumblr returns -- Renewals and Cancellations -- Revivals -- Assorted tidbits and trailers -- This week ...
Billie Doux Into the Wild Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow recaps Sleepy Hollow reviews Sleepy Hollow: Into the Wild "Never underestimate the power of a natural bond." So what did we get this week? A not-so-good Monster of the Week, strike one. Im...
Billie Doux Not Tomorrow Yet The Walking Dead The Walking Dead recaps The Walking Dead reviews The Walking Dead: Not Tomorrow Yet "You're supposed to be someone else." I am reminded of a Buffy quip: " Is murder always a crime? " ... Read full po...
Billie Doux Dark Mirror Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow recaps Sleepy Hollow reviews Sleepy Hollow: Dark Mirror "Did I leave the stove unlocked?" Honestly, my impatience with Sleepy Hollow this season had been subsiding. But it just crept ba...
Billie Doux DC's Legends of Tomorrow Legends of Tomorrow recaps Legends of Tomorrow reviews Marooned Legends of Tomorrow: Marooned "Time to choose a side, I guess." Space pirates and Star Trek . Did they write this one just for me? ... Read full post
Billie Doux Knots Untie The Walking Dead The Walking Dead recaps The Walking Dead reviews The Walking Dead: Knots Untie "Brave new world." There is a change in tone this season, isn't there? Our survivors are starting to think about having an act...
Billie Doux Buffy the Vampire Slayer Doux News Relationshipping Shipping The Walking Dead The X-Files Doux News: February 28, 2016 This week: Shipping on The Walking Dead -- Shipping on The X-Files -- Shipping on Buffy the Vampire Slayer . Yes, this article might be ab...
Billie Doux Sins of the Father Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow recaps Sleepy Hollow reviews Sleepy Hollow: Sins of the Father "You saved me. I'm yours." A standard Sleepy Hollow Monster of the Week, but with an interesting and unfortunate twist at the...
Beyond the Mat Billie Doux Supernatural Supernatural recaps Supernatural reviews Supernatural: Beyond the Mat "What happened to them? They're all broken." What a sad little outing, with yet another callback to Dean and Sam's terribl...
Billie Doux The Next World The Walking Dead The Walking Dead recaps The Walking Dead reviews The Walking Dead: The Next World "If this is the next world, I hope it's good for you guys." What a lovely way to give the fans of this show some respite after...
Billie Doux Kindred Spirits Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow recaps Sleepy Hollow reviews Sleepy Hollow: Kindred Spirits "He wants a bride and he wants one now." What did this episode mean? That the course of true love never runs smooth? That the poss...
Billie Doux DC's Legends of Tomorrow Fail-Safe Legends of Tomorrow recaps Legends of Tomorrow reviews Prison Break Legends of Tomorrow: Fail-Safe Snart: "This isn't my first prison break." Character bonding 101. Not that it wasn't cool. ... Read full post
Billie Doux Supernatural Supernatural recaps Supernatural reviews The Vessel Supernatural: The Vessel "I was just a witness." Time travel episodes on Supernatural are usually wonderful. This one was cool... ... Read full post