Batman Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Discussion J.D. Balthazar Movie reviews Superman Wonder Woman Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice SPOILER Discussion Thread Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a divisive movie. Just as divisive or perhaps even more so than the previous installment in this new...
Arrow Arrow recaps Arrow reviews Broken Hearts J.D. Balthazar Arrow: Broken Hearts Thea: "Is nobody else gonna say it? It's Cupid, stupid." I guess the lesson of the episode is, don't date co-workers. ... ...
Daredevil Daredevil recaps Daredevil reviews J.D. Balthazar New York's Finest Daredevil: New York's Finest Punisher: "You know the one thing that you just can't see? You know you're one bad day away from being me." This episode w...
DC's Legends of Tomorrow J.D. Balthazar Legends of Tomorrow recaps Legends of Tomorrow reviews Night of the Hawk Legends of Tomorrow: Night of the Hawk Ray: "An immortal psychopath, and racists. I'm beginning to like this quaint little town less and less." While the episode ma...
Arrow Arrow recaps Arrow reviews J.D. Balthazar Taken Arrow: Taken Darhk: "Well. That happened." This was a fun one, if a bit predictable. ... Read full post
Arrow Arrow recaps Arrow reviews Code of Silence J.D. Balthazar Arrow: Code of Silence "Sometimes a lie isn't wrong if it's for the good of someone you love." Despite a few really good actions scenes, characte...
Arrow Arrow recaps Arrow reviews J.D. Balthazar Sins of the Father Arrow: Sins of the Father Felicity: "So much for the Gandhi method." In an episode about fathers and daughters, the drama centered around two characters who...
Arrow Arrow recaps Arrow reviews J.D. Balthazar Unchained Arrow: Unchained "Maybe next time we do something that doesn't involve me getting stabbed or shot at. Just an idea." Hmmm. I have no idea how t...
A.W.O.L. Arrow Arrow recaps Arrow reviews J.D. Balthazar Arrow: A.W.O.L. "I'm not you anymore and I haven't been for a long time." This was a bit of a disjointed episode that didn't gel the w...
Arrow Arrow recaps Arrow reviews Blood Debts J.D. Balthazar Arrow: Blood Debts "For better, for worse." For an episode centered on a character named Anarchy, it was surprisingly concise. Character actions and...