Action Adventure Channing Tatum Comedy Diego Luna Movie Review Nuffnang Premiere Screening Zoe Saldana MOVIE REVIEW: THE BOOK OF LIFE (2014) From IMDB : Storyline From producer Guillermo del Toro and director Jorge Gutierrez comes an animated comedy with a unique visual style. THE...
Action Adventure Bradley Cooper Chris Pratt Dave Bautista IMAX Movie Review Nuffnang Premiere Screening Sci-fi Vin Diesel Zoe Saldana Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy What’s it about? They don't really look like this in the movie.. From IMDB : “After stealing a mysterious orb in the far reaches of...
2013 Billy Crudup Blood Ties Clive Owen Crime Drama Guillaume Canet James Caan James Gray Lili Taylor Marion Cotillard Matthias Schoenaerts Mila Kunis Movie Review Thriller Zoe Saldana Movie Review: Blood Ties (2013) "Some guys, the don't keep their promises." There’s no limit for family. Anda boleh bimbang ketika hendak melakukan sesuatu u...