2015 Bradley Cooper Comedy Dascha Polanco David O. Russell Diane Ladd Drama Edgar Ramirez Elisabeth Röhm Isabella Rossellini Jennifer Lawrence Joy Robert De Niro Virginia Madsen Review: Joy (2015) " She brought the hammer down." “I’ll do anything with you until you die,” begitu kata Jennifer Lawrence kepada David O. Russell...
Action Adventure Bradley Cooper Chris Pratt Dave Bautista IMAX Movie Review Nuffnang Premiere Screening Sci-fi Vin Diesel Zoe Saldana Movie Review: Guardians of the Galaxy What’s it about? They don't really look like this in the movie.. From IMDB : “After stealing a mysterious orb in the far reaches of...
2013 American Hustle Amy Adams Bradley Cooper Christian Bale Comedy Crime David O. Russell Drama H5 Jennifer Lawrence Jeremy Renner Michael Peña Movie Review Robert De Niro Movie Review: American Hustle (2013) "People are always conning each other to get what they wanted." Banyak jalan untuk mencapai kebahagiaan, yang harus dilakukan hany...