An Old Friend Calls Laure Mack The Originals The Originals recaps The Originals reviews The Originals: An Old Friend Calls "It never stops. Never." There really is no rest for the wicked. ... Read full post
A Streetcar Named Desire Crossover madness Laure Mack The Originals The Originals recaps The Originals reviews The Vampire Diaries The Originals: A Streetcar Named Desire "They hurt each other more than anyone, but they’re vicious when it comes to protecting each other." What the what? ... Read full ...
Heart Shaped Box Laure Mack The Originals The Originals recaps The Originals reviews The Originals: Heart Shaped Box "I see we’re in for another ‘normal’ Mikaelson breakfast." A lot happened and not a lot of progress was made. ... Read full post
Dead Angels Laure Mack The Originals The Originals recaps The Originals reviews The Originals: Dead Angels "It's normally we who pose the threat to our intimates. It's an odd feeling, the roles reversed. I always did loathe irony....
Laure Mack The Originals The Originals recaps The Originals reviews Wild at Heart The Originals: Wild at Heart "This family comes with many many hardships, but there is at least one benefit. You will always have a home here." That is how you...
A Ghost Along the Mississippi Laure Mack The Originals The Originals recaps The Originals reviews The Originals: A Ghost Along the Mississippi "Death dances silently in everyone's shadow, and she doesn't give a damn." Death on a show about the supernatural... it ca...