Laure Mack Terms and Conditions The 100 The 100 recaps The 100 reviews The 100: Terms and Conditions "I've learned that if something helps you survive, it's always the right thing." It's a showdown, people. ... Read ful...
An Old Friend Calls Laure Mack The Originals The Originals recaps The Originals reviews The Originals: An Old Friend Calls "It never stops. Never." There really is no rest for the wicked. ... Read full post
13 Laure Mack The 100 The 100 recaps The 100 reviews Thirteen The 100: Thirteen "Maybe someday you and I will owe nothing more to our people." Wow. So... Err. Yep. ... Read full post
A Streetcar Named Desire Crossover madness Laure Mack The Originals The Originals recaps The Originals reviews The Vampire Diaries The Originals: A Streetcar Named Desire "They hurt each other more than anyone, but they’re vicious when it comes to protecting each other." What the what? ... Read full ...
Bitter Harvest Laure Mack The 100 The 100 recaps The 100 reviews The 100: Bitter Harvest "He really believes he's doing the right thing." "Everybody always does." So many plot developments, so little time....
Heart Shaped Box Laure Mack The Originals The Originals recaps The Originals reviews The Originals: Heart Shaped Box "I see we’re in for another ‘normal’ Mikaelson breakfast." A lot happened and not a lot of progress was made. ... Read full post
Hakeldama Laure Mack The 100 The 100 recaps The 100 reviews The 100: Hakeldama "Please tell me you don't want to go to war." "We've been at war since we landed." Is it just me, or was that se...
Dead Angels Laure Mack The Originals The Originals recaps The Originals reviews The Originals: Dead Angels "It's normally we who pose the threat to our intimates. It's an odd feeling, the roles reversed. I always did loathe irony....
Laure Mack The 100 The 100 recaps The 100 reviews Watch the Thrones The 100: Watch the Thrones "Blood must have blood." An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind. But I guess if you're already blinded by vengeance ...
Laure Mack The Originals The Originals recaps The Originals reviews Wild at Heart The Originals: Wild at Heart "This family comes with many many hardships, but there is at least one benefit. You will always have a home here." That is how you...
Laure Mack The 100 The 100 recaps The 100 reviews Ye Who Enter Here The 100: Ye Who Enter Here "She will always put her people first." That was good. The best out of the three so far. Layers upon layers of juicy television go...
A Ghost Along the Mississippi Laure Mack The Originals The Originals recaps The Originals reviews The Originals: A Ghost Along the Mississippi "Death dances silently in everyone's shadow, and she doesn't give a damn." Death on a show about the supernatural... it ca...
Laure Mack The 100 The 100 recaps The 100 reviews Wanheda The 100: Wanheda, Part 2 "We have to find hope somewhere." It's looking pretty grim on the hope-searching front, but on the character development /plot...
Laure Mack The 100 The 100 recaps The 100 reviews Wanheda The 100: Wanheda, Part 1 "Really never thought I'd miss the Ark this much." It's official. Clarke and company are back. Breaking hearts first and t...