A Little Song and Dance Agent Carter Agent Carter recaps Agent Carter reviews Josie Kafka Marvel Agent Carter: A Little Song and Dance “The only way out of a stalemate is together.” Let’s start with that opening number. Why not? It was wonderful. Song and dance. Hair and cos...
Agent Carter Agent Carter recaps Agent Carter reviews Josie Kafka Marvel The Edge of Mystery Agent Carter: The Edge of Mystery “I promise we can get a Bernese mountain dog.” Although the plottiest bits of this episode were pretty jaw-dropping—Wilkes! Frost! Desert! G...
2016 Action Brianna Hildebrand Comedy comic book Comics Deadpool Ed Skrein Fox Gina Carano Marvel Morena Baccarin Review Ryan Reynolds T.J. Miller Tim Miller Deadpool ***DISCLAIMER*** The following review is entirely my opinion. If you comment (which I encourage you to do) be respectful. If...
Angel Battlestar Galactica Buffy DC Comics Doctor Who Farscape Firefly Lost Mark Greig Marvel star trek Star Wars The Princess Bride The X-Files Valentine's Day Romance and Robots: A Doux Reviews Valentine's Special Love. Love is a many splendored thing. Love is in the air. Love changes everything. Love makes the world go round. Love is a battlefield. Lo...