rick29 (author) seven things to know sydney greenstreet the maltese falcon Seven Things to Know About Sydney Greenstreet 1. Sydney Greenstreet did not appear in a movie until he was 62. His film debut was pretty memorable, though—he played Kasper Gutman in The ...
rick29 (author) seven things to know vera-ellen Seven Things to Know About Vera-Ellen 1. Vera-Ellen attended the Hessler Studio of Dancing in Cincinnati, Ohio. Other famous alumni include Doris Day and Tyrone Power. Harry Hess...
columbo patrick mcgoohan rafferty (tv series) rick29 (author) seven things to know Seven Things to Know About Patrick McGoohan 1. Although considered a British actor, Patrick McGoohan was actually born in Astoria, New York, in 1928. His parents moved back to Ireland ...
Alfred Hitchcock rick29 (author) seven things to know thelma ritter Seven Things to Know About Thelma Ritter 1. Thelma was nominated six times in the Best Supporting Actress category--and somehow never won an Oscar. The nominations were for her perf...
glenda jackson rick29 (author) seven things to know Seven Things to Know About Glenda Jackson 1. After a stellar career in film, television, and the stage, Glenda Jackson retired from acting in 1992 and ran for a seat in the British P...
jack lemmon rick29 (author) seven things to know walter matthau Seven Things to Know About Walter Matthau Carol Grace and Walter Matthau. 1. Walter Matthau met his second wife, Carol Grace, when they both appeared in the 1955-56 Broadway hit Wil...