2016 Antonio Banderas Brian Dennehy Cate Blanchett Christian Bale Drama Freida Pinto Imogen Poots Isabel Lucas Knight of Cups Natalie Portman Nick Offerman Teresa Palmer Terrence Malick Wes Bentley Review: Knight of Cups (2016) " Dreams are nice, but you can't live in them." Sejauh ini telah menyutradarai delapan buah film dalam 46 tahun karirnya di in...
2016 Aaron Paul Anthony Mackie Casey Affleck Chiwetel Ejiofor Clifton Collins Crime Gal Gadot John Hillcoat Jr. Kate Winslet Norman Reedus Teresa Palmer Thriller Triple 9 Woody Harrelson Review: Triple 9 [2016] "A deadly heist needs a killer distraction." Sutradara John Hillcoat punya cara main yang unik, dari The Proposition dan Lawless...
2016 Alexandra Daddario Benjamin Walker Drama Maggie Grace Romance Ross Katz Teresa Palmer The Choice Tom Welling Tom Wilkinson Review: The Choice (2016) "If you see a man sleeping on a cold floor, there's sure to be a pretty woman nearby." Dari The Lucky One, kemudian Safe Have...