He Blinded Me...With Science iZombie iZombie recaps iZombie reviews Panda iZombie: He Blinded Me...With Science “My hypothesis from tonight's data: more data is needed.” After trundling along at a decent and more than satisfying pace, ‘He Blinded M...
Devil's Due Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time recaps Once Upon a Time Reviews Panda Once Upon a Time: Devil's Due “I've finally become the man you always wanted me to be; the one who takes what he needs.” The most frustrating thing about Rumple is th...
Allegiant Divergent Movie reviews Panda Shailene Woodley The Divergent Series The Divergent Series: Allegiant Allegiant Like last year’s sequel Insurgent , Allegiant , the third instalment in the Divergent franchise, only partially succeeds in its attempts to...
Labor of Love Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time recaps Once Upon a Time Reviews Panda Once Upon a Time: Labor of Love “If I hadn't failed, I never would have figured out how to succeed.” The execution of this episode’s guest appearance was a little lackl...
Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time recaps Once Upon a Time Reviews Panda Souls of the Departed Once Upon a Time: Souls of the Departed "I don't think we're in Maine anymore." ‘Souls of the Departed’ surprised me. As a landmark episode it tried its hardest t...
Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time recaps Once Upon a Time Reviews Panda Swan Song Once Upon a Time: Swan Song “What kind of man do you want to be?” Once Upon a Time ’s main problem this season has been an over reliance on its increasingly complex myt...
Broken Heart Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time recaps Once Upon a Time Reviews Panda Once Upon a Time: Broken Heart “Clearly you don't believe in me anymore, so how am I supposed to fight this?” The decision to change the game in ‘Birth’ is marred in t...
Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind iZombie iZombie recaps iZombie reviews Panda iZombie: Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind “Maybe this is God's way of saying, ‘Whoa, Seattle, too much coffee.’” There’s an incredible number of moving parts on iZombie right no...
Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time recaps Once Upon a Time Reviews Panda The Bear King Once Upon a Time: The Bear King "Maybe helping someone else find their path will help you with yours." What’s interesting about this episode is that it’s one of t...
Birth Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time recaps Once Upon a Time Reviews Panda Once Upon a Time: Birth “All this power and you don’t have the courage to answer one bloody question!” I think we’ve all been feeling Killian’s frustration for the ...
iZombie iZombie recaps iZombie reviews Panda The Whopper iZombie: The Whopper “Show me someone who always tells the truth and I’ll show you a weirdo.” While this season is still really exciting and propulsive in genera...
Nimue Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time recaps Once Upon a Time Reviews Panda Once Upon a Time: Nimue “It’s easier to live with the darkness if you can dress it as vengeance.” As we dive into the origin story of the Dark One, we’re faced with...
Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time recaps Once Upon a Time Reviews Panda The Bear and the Bow Once Upon a Time: The Bear and the Bow “If I had to do it all again, I’d make sure I was the man you deserved right from the very start. That would change everything for you.” As ...
iZombie iZombie recaps iZombie reviews Panda Physician Heal Thy Selfie iZombie: Physician, Heal Thy Selfie “Looks like a no-brainer to me, Liv.” Last week’s episode worked to bring this season’s plots together, but ‘Physician, Heal Thy Selfie’ pu...
Fifty Shades of Grey Matter iZombie iZombie recaps iZombie reviews Panda iZombie: Fifty Shades of Grey Matter Liv: “I’ve been a bad morgue attendant. I’ll understand if there are 'punitive' measures.” Ravi: “Liv, did you eat a librarian from...
iZombie iZombie recaps iZombie reviews Method Head Panda iZombie: Method Head “Zombies kinda freak me out.” iZombie has always had a natural ability to poke fun at itself. When shows with ridiculous premises and plots...