Action Adam Driver Adventure Andy Serkis Carrie Fisher Daisy Ridley Domhnall Gleeson H5 Harrison Ford J. J. Abrams John Boyega Lupita Nyong'o Mark Hamill Oscar Isaac Star Wars: The Force Awakens Movie Review: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) " Chewie, we're home." Membangunkan kembali salah satu franchise paling terkenal di bumi setelah tertidur selama sepuluh tahu...
2013 Carey Mulligan Comedy Drama Ethan Coen Garrett Hesdlund H5 Inside Llewyn Davis Joel Coen John Goodman Justin Timberlake Movie Review Music Oscar Isaac Movie Review: Inside Llewyn Davis (2013) " I thought singing was a joyous expression of the soul." Setiap manusia pasti punya mental dalam bersikap, optimis dan pesimis, i...