2015 Aaron Covington Andre Ward Creed Drama Gabriel Rosado Graham McTavish H5 Michael B. Jordan Phylicia Rashād Ryan Coogler Sport sylvester stallone Tessa Thompson Tony Bellew Review: Creed (2015) “You are Apollo Creed's son. So use the name, it's yours." Jika memang harus dipaksa dengan tampilan fisik yang masih tampak pe...
Action Adventure Jamie Bell Jeremy Slater Josh Trank Kate Mara Michael B. Jordan Miles Teller Movie Reviews Reg E. Cathey Simon Kinberg Stan Lee Superhero Tim Story Tony Kebbell Fantastic Four (2015): Movie Review “An un-fantastic reboot and superhero origin movie.” Eight years after its last adaptation, the fantastic quartet of Mr. Fantastic, Invi...
2015 Action Adventure Fantastic Four Jamie Bell Josh Trank Kate Mara Michael B. Jordan Miles Teller Movie Review Reg E. Cathey Sci-fi Tim Blake Nelson Toby Kebbell Review: Fantastic Four (2015) " You've opened a door you don't know how to close. You don't know anything about what's coming." Cukup sulit untu...
2013 Ahna O'Reilly Ariana Neal Biography Drama Fruitvale Station Melonie Diaz Michael B. Jordan Movie Review Octavia Spencer Ryan Coogler Movie Review: Fruitvale Station (2013) " Every step brings you closer to the edge." Setiap orang akan menemukan situasi dan momen kelam dalam hidupnya, kemudian akan ber...