Daredevil Daredevil recaps Daredevil reviews Kinbaku Logan Cox Marvel’s Daredevil Daredevil: Kinbaku "We need to be done with the crazy, guys. We need normal!" The last episode I reviewed was a slow introduction to Frank Castle. So...
Daredevil Daredevil recaps Daredevil reviews Dogs to a Gunfight Logan Cox Marvel’s Daredevil Daredevil: Dogs to a Gunfight "They're calling this one The Punisher." That's probably what they should have called this episode too. ... Read full pos...
eps1.9_zer0-day.avi Logan Cox Mr. Robot Mr. Robot recaps Mr. Robot reviews Zero Day Mr. Robot: eps1.9_zer0-day.avi “You’re losing it, kiddo. I’m only supposed to be your prophet. You’re supposed to be my god.” Like most season finales, “Zer0-Day” provide...
eps1.8_m1rr0r1ng.qt Logan Cox Mirroring Mr. Robot Mr. Robot recaps Mr. Robot reviews Mr. Robot: eps1.8_m1rr0r1ng.qt “You knew all along, didn’t you?” Nine down, one to go. ... Read full post
eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v Logan Cox Mr. Robot Mr. Robot recaps Mr. Robot reviews White Rose Mr. Robot: eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v “Are you freaking out? Tell me the truth, were you in on this the whole time? WERE YOU?” Before we get to the big, revelatory moments that c...
eps1.6_v1ew-s0urce.flv Logan Cox Mr. Robot Mr. Robot recaps Mr. Robot reviews View Source Mr. Robot: eps1.6_v1ew-s0urce.flv "I want a way out of loneliness. Just like you. Is that what you wanted to hear?" It’s getting down to the nitty gritty. Only thre...