007 2015 Action Ben Whishaw Christoph Waltz Daniel Craig Dave Bautista James Bond Lea Seydoux Ralph Fiennes Review Spectre spy Spectre ***DISCLAIMER*** The following review is entirely my opinion. If you comment (which I encourage you to do) be respectful....
2015 Adventure Ben Whishaw Benjamin Walker Biography Brendan Gleeson Chris Hemsworth Cillian Murphy Drama In the Heart of the Sea Ron Howard Thriller Tom Holland Review: In The Heart Of The Sea (2015) " The tragedy of the Essex is the story of men. And a Demon." In the Heart of the Sea merupakan sebuah film yang mengejutkan, dan...
2015 Alicia Vikander Amber Heard Ben Whishaw Biography Drama Eddie Redmayne Matthias Schoenaerts Movie Review Sebastian Koch The Danish Girl Tom Hooper Review: The Danish Girl (2015) " And it was the strangest thing. It was like kissing myself." Jika harus digambarkan dengan menggunakan pengandaian, The Danish G...
2015 Action Adventure Ben Whishaw Christoph Waltz Daniel Craig Dave Bautista Léa Seydoux Monica Bellucci Naomie Harris Ralph Fiennes Rory Kinnear Sam Mendes Spectre Thriller Review: Spectre [2015] " You are a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr Bond." Kabar bahwa Daniel Craig akan mundur sebagai James Bond setelah selesai bertug...
Action Adventure Alessandro Cremona Andrew Scott Ben Whishaw Christoph Waltz Daniel Craig Jesper Christensen Lea Seydoux Monica Bellucci Movie Reviews Naomie Harris Ralph Fiennes Sam Mendes Spectre (2015): Movie Review "A disappointing follow-up to smash hit Skyfall.” Daniel Craig returns for his fourth James Bond outing in Spectre , the 24 th ins...