The Five Best Music Videos of the 1980s

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The Five Best Music Videos of the 1980s

Artikel cafe guest author, Artikel five best lists, Artikel music videos, Guest blogger Emily Anderson lists her picks for the five best classic music videos. What are yours?

Michael Jackson with ghoulish friend.
1. Thriller by Michael Jackson. I remember staying up until midnight at 11 years-old, anxiously awaiting my first viewing of Michael Jackson dancing as a zombie. It was well worth it! This video changed the way music videos were perceived. They were no longer just about music, but were seen as art.

2. Take on Me by A-ha. Without this video, I do not believe this song would be mentioned when discussing 1980s music. This is a prime example of video overpowering song. The mixture of animation and live action is so real that there are times when they are seamless.

The clay Gabriel with big hammer.
3. Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel. The early days of music videos consisted of performances. As they advanced, videos told stories. Although neither of these formats, Sledgehammer is fascinating. With a clay Peter Gabriel and dancing chickens, there is little this video does not offer.

4. Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi. There are no gimmicks, flashy dance moves, or animation tricks in this video. It's raw and gritty. The life of top rockers can be rough and the black and white footage adds a nice touch.

The animated Money for Nothing.
5. Money for Nothing by Dire Straits. I wanted my MTV and got it just as this video became popular. At the time, the animation was unique and seemed like a video game instead of a music video. Combined with Dire Straits performing, it had many unsubtle subtleties (like heavy rotation). Complete with singing dog, it is quite amusing.

Honorable Mentions

Story videos: Don't Come Around Here No More by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers; Land of Confusion by Genesis; and You Might Think by The Cars.

Performance videos: Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer; Every Breath You Take by The Police; and Walk This Way by Run-DMC.

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